

KWU音乐系认为,教学21st Century musicians should involve various musical styles and genres, coupled with the mentorship of students as they build their careers. This is the core of our teaching philosophy as we strive to create the 21st 世纪音乐教育家、演奏家和音乐倡导者


  • Vibrant 性能的经验 for both music majors and non-majors.
  • A talented 教师 whose background reflects diverse pedagogical styles, 性能的经验, 还有音乐兴趣.
  • Creative music-making activities such as improvisation and composition as integral parts of our programs.
  • KWU Ensemble performances partnered with strong ties to the local arts community in Salina, 包括萨利纳交响乐团和萨利纳剧院.


The DEI vision for Kansas Wesleyan is to promote a diverse culture of equity, inclusion, integrity, and collaboration that deepens understanding and embraces intercultural and global 为学生、教职员工提供的体验.

The KWU Department of 音乐 believes a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment 对学术成就和音乐艺术至关重要. 通过包容的理想,一切 are welcome to experience a vast variety of musical experience in both academic and 性能设置. 音乐系致力于发展和维持 practices that nurture the educational missions of the department, division and 大学.





  • 风合奏
  • 《堪萨斯卫斯理乐队的嚎叫
  • 爵士乐团
  • 打击乐合奏


  • 爱乐合唱团
  • 卫斯理赞美诗


  • 古鼓弦乐团


通过与几个社区组织的伙伴关系, KWU is able to provide students with many opportunities to rehearse and perform with professional musicians.


All string music majors are invited to audition to perform in Salina’s regional symphony orchestra and learn about its operation. Wind/打击乐器 majors may be invited based on available openings. Students may have opportunities to assist the directors of the Salina Youth Symphony and Youth Choir attending rehearsals, 和年轻球员坐在一起, 领导分组赛并提供私人课程. This allows for the unique opportunity of hands-on teaching experience with elementary through high school students outside of the public school experience.


Kansas Wesleyan has a history of partnering with the 在全国范围内 recognized 剧院盐沼 to put on a large-scale musical each year. 这个伙伴关系包括学生, 教师, 还有剧组里的社区成员, 机组人员, 还有管弦乐队. 在该地区的大学中独一无二, our partnership with 剧院盐沼 gives students the opportunity to experience quality theatre productions without traveling outside of Salina.


Close ties within the community surrounding us also enable students to perform in 社区音乐会, 当地的教堂, 甚至是地区旅游. KWU的乐团已经在全州巡回演出, 区域, and even inter在全国范围内 and we are excited for these opportunities to continue and expand. 最近, the choirs toured the Southwest region; in the past, they have even traveled inter在全国范围内 throughout Europe and even China!


KWU students may also give private lessons to young area musicians while being mentored and advised by 教师.


Close ties the community also enable students to perform in musical theatre and opera productions, 社区音乐会, 以及当地或地区旅游. The 十大赌博平台排行榜 爱乐合唱团 and its select-voice ensemble, 卫斯理合唱团, 旅游地区, 在全国范围内, 国际上(每四年一次). Past tours include China, California, England, and the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary.



It is the mission of the Department of 音乐 to provide students with a comprehensive music education by focusing on:

  • 对音乐语言的理论理解
  • 表演艺术
  • 音乐在个人和文化上所扮演的精神角色


风 & 打击乐器


The KWU 风合奏 is dedicated to performing the highest-quality literature of the wind band, 新旧兼备! 这个乐团每学期举办一到两次音乐会, 除了举办荣誉乐队庆典, 在大学和社区活动中表演, 参加地区旅游. 与古武弦乐团合作, select members of the group will join the orchestra to perform full orchestra pieces on concerts.


嚎叫是十大赌博平台排行榜的运动乐队! 用全新的乐器在体育比赛中表演, 新仪器,新面貌, 这是一个令人兴奋的团队,我们正在建设21世纪st 世纪军乐队. If you’re looking for a high-energy energy ensemble and something different from a traditional marching band, 这是一个适合你的团体.


The KWU 爵士乐团 is a select ensemble that focuses on jazz techniques and repertoire. The jazz ensemble stays busy by preparing for concerts, festivals and community functions.


This group performs exciting and eclectic percussion music from all over the world.



乐团唱诗班是古大学规模较大的音乐合唱团. 任何大学学生均可成为会员, 这个乐团的学生来自学术研究的各个领域. This group tours 区域 or 在全国范围内 each spring and performs a variety of music from classical to contemporary. 此外,该团体每四年进行一次国际巡演. 过去的春季巡回赛包括:2006年中国巡回赛, 2008年的加州, 2010年英格兰, 2014年捷克-奥匈帝国.


卫斯理合唱团是一个由24名学生组成的精选合唱团. Auditions for this ensemble are held each fall, and membership is based on a one-year commitment. The ensemble performs and entertains in a variety of venues on and off campus throughout the academic year.



The 古鼓弦乐团 performs demanding literature from across the medium. 这个乐团在社区和地区非常活跃.

The KWU SO has garnered state and national recognition in recent years. In 2017, the orchestra was selected for the first time in program history to perform at the Kansas 音乐 Educators Association In-Service Workshop and followed that appearance with a return to KMEA in 2019. The orchestra was honored with the “American Prize” as a Finalist for the 2017-2018 Ernst Bacon Award for Best Performance of American 音乐 – Collegiate Division. The KWU SO enjoys a unique partnership with The Salina Symphony, 哪一个, 通过试镜, serves to enhance orchestra members’ string/chamber music experiences with a full-orchestra one.

欲了解更多信息,请联系博士. 莱昂纳多·罗萨里奥 (电子邮件保护).


The KWU campus is home to various facilities frequently used by the Department of 音乐. 这些设施于2022年底开始全面翻新, 阿普尔奎斯特家庭音乐中心将于10月开业. 2023. 点击下面的链接阅读更多内容!
