
化学 is the study of matter, its building blocks, its properties and its behaviors. 因为它关注的是物质的核心本质, 化学被认为是一门基础科学, 它可以帮助我们理解自然世界. 在十大赌博平台排行榜, you will receive a firm foundation in chemistry while gaining a broad liberal arts education that puts science education into the context of life and society. 





按此浏览 化学系教员的信息.


化学系提倡道德, intellectual and social responsibility through rigorous teaching methods in the 化学 sciences that develop students into best practitioners of science. 


The DEI vision for Kansas Wesleyan is to promote a diverse culture of equity, inclusion, integrity, and collaboration that deepens understanding and embraces intercultural and global 为学生、教职员工提供的体验.

十大赌博平台排行榜化学系试图产生和 maintain an inclusive, diverse and equitable learning environment for all its students. As 一个部门,我们希望促进卓越的所有学生的学术追求. 该部门以十大赌博平台排行榜的使命为指导,“促进和发展” 整合学术卓越,精神发展,个人福祉,和 所有学生的社会责任.




  • Solve both qualitative and quantitative problems utilizing critical thinking and the scientific process.
  • 安全开展科学研究, 既有文献,也有实验室, 并根据该研究撰写报告和/或进行演讲.
  • Understand the role of science in modern society and be able to identify both the positive and negative impacts chemistry has made on our world.
  • Understand and explain concepts and processes related to the various divisions of chemistry. 


化学化学120概念-秋季 & 春天

This is a beginning course presenting the essentials of inorganic chemistry and a brief discussion of the concepts of organic and 生物 chemistry. The course provides preparation for CHEM 123 General 化学 I and meets the requirements for the nursing education and health certification. 包括实验室.

化学123一般化学I -秋天

这门课程是为化学专业的学生和辅修学生设计的, pre-health专业人士, 生物学, 物理和工程预科学生. 重点包括原子和分子结构, 周期性, 化学反应和定量关系. 包括实验室. Prerequisite: One year of high school chemistry or CHEM 120 and high school algebra or MATH 116.

化学124一般化学II -弹簧

本课程是CHEM 123的延续. 重点包括平衡,动力学和氧化还原化学. 包括实验室. 前提条件:CHEM 123.

CHEM 130法医科学-按需

法医学是科学在法律过程中的研究和应用, 涉及到收藏, 检查, 评价和解释证据. This course is designed to familiarize students with the basic principles and uses of forensic science in the American system of justice. 本课程将回顾物理的基本应用, 化学, 生物, 医学和行为科学的证据和法律问题. Students are expected to acquire a basic understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the forensic sciences as they are practiced presently.


这门课程涉及理论, 容积法的方法和技术, 重量和仪器分析. 数据统计分析, 水系统的多重平衡和工程循环在选择中的应用, 发展, 包括分析过程的实施和评价. 包括实验室. 先决条件:CHEM 124.


化学290独立研究-可变学分- 对需求



The student will participate in an original chemistry research project under chemistry faculty direction. 工作进展将在每两周一次的研究研讨会上提出. 详细说明已完成工作的书面报告, ACS期刊格式, 会在学期结束时提交给指导老师吗. 可以重复一次,总共两个学分. 前提条件:教师同意.

化学300有机化学I - Fall

本课程包括对有机化合物及其结构的系统研究, 制备方法, 性质及重要反应机理分析. 将强调解决问题的能力. 前提条件:化学124或教师的同意.


这门实验课程将涉及简单的有机技术, 例如(i)物理性质的测定.g., 熔点, 沸点, 折射率, (ii) purification of organic compounds by (a) recrystallization and (b) simple and fractional distillations, (三)通过萃取分离具有重要生物学意义的有机化合物, (四)通过简单的化学试验鉴定有机化合物, (五)简单有机合成. 化学124的先决条件或教师的同意.

化学311实验室安全 & 维护-甚至一年春天

Procedures in maintaining and operating a 化学 laboratory are included as well as safety procedures, 存储, 处理和处置化学品和有害物质. 先决条件:CHEM 124.

化学320有机化学II -弹簧

本课程是有机化学I的延续, 重点是有机合成, 反应机理和结构决定. 先决条件:CHEM 300.


讲授无机化学的现代概念和理论, 再加上对元素的系统调查, 它们的化合物和化学性质. 先决条件:CHEM 124.

CHEM 330有机合成 & 光谱学-弹簧

This organic lab will emphasize synthesis of novel organic compounds of different functional families and their reactions. 对合成有重要意义的反应产物的分离纯化. 光谱技术的详细研究, 比如红外线, 紫外可见, 质量和核磁共振. Characterization and identification of unknown organic compounds by interpretation of infrared and NMR spectra. 前提条件:CHEM 300或教师的同意.


本课程将服务学习与旅行结合起来, 国内或国外, 为学生提供强化价值观和能力的机会, 除了学习具体的学术内容. 服务项目将与课程的学术内容联系起来, and the course may require a co-requisite or stand-alone as its own special topics course. Credit varies based on the length of the journey and may involve additional fees for travel. 先决条件:推荐INTD 110,但不是本课程的要求.

化学410生物化学I -奇数年秋季

本课程是从化学角度介绍生物化学. Topics covered include the structure and function of amino acids and proteins; enzyme catalytic strategies and mechanisms; membrane structure and function; function and structure of biomolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids and vitamins; acidity and basicity in relation to amino acids and buffer systems; structure and function of nucleic acids in RNA and DNA; DNA replication and transcription; and separation and isolation of proteins and amino acids utilizing various chromatographic techniques. 满足化学专业和生物医学化学专业的学分要求. 先决条件或同时注册化学300.

化学420生物化学II -偶数年春天

本课程是从化学角度介绍生物化学 and a continuation of CHEM410 Biochemistry I. 涵盖的主题包括膜结构和运输, 免疫反应, 代谢热力学, 糖酵解, 柠檬酸循环, 电子传递和氧化磷酸化过程. 先决条件:CHEM 410.

化学427物理化学I -奇数年秋季

Physical 化学 I is a study of classical thermodynamics and its application to equilibrium and electrochemistry. 包括实验室. 先决条件:数学145和化学124或教师的同意.

CHEM 460实习-按需


讨论当前化学及相关领域的热门话题. 先决条件:CHEM 124.


Independent Study consists of research, readings, or other scholarly investigations or creative work. See Independent Study under Alternate Means to Academic Credit, for a more detailed description.


This course is designed to help students learn and apply appropriate and effective methods for designing, 进行, 分析并呈现原创性化学研究. A supervised research project is required, including a written research paper and an oral report. 该课程在大二/大四期间进行.



除了研究化学的基本原理, you will get hands-on lab experience and opportunities to conduct research and work or intern at Salina Regional Health Center or one of the local environmental and medical testing labs. You will also receive personal guidance from faculty members who will help you choose the right career from the many available to hardworking chemistry graduates.


The chemistry club is a gathering of students who enjoy all areas of science but enjoy a particular affinity for chemistry. Our club is involved in spreading our love of science through events such as the Science Olympiad, demonstrations within the community and hosting laboratory days for younger school children. We are also involved with the local branch of the Lions Club providing support for our community through fundraising events.


我校化学专业毕业生在医学领域取得了巨大成就, 兽医, 药店, dental and other professional schools related to the allied health fields and laboratories. 我们的学生继续攻读化学工程的研究生, 物理化学, forensic science and analytical chemistry at such institutions as the University of Missouri-Kansas City, 拉马尔大学, 堪萨斯州立大学, 加州大学和其他大学.